Slerm - it's Alive

With the switch to Gophernicus as the SDF gopher server, gopher
moles became possible again. I talked about this before [0], but
recently found the time to update my old dynamic phlogging software,
slerm, so that it worked with Gophernicus. I am testing it and will
release another tarball hopefully very soon. Here is the list of
features from the original README [1]:

*Display a configurable number of posts per page
*Configurable page headers, page footers and post dividers
*Configurable permalink text
*Allows post comments
*Displays number of comments in each post
*Allows sending an email alert when comments are left
*Allow post tags and filtering post displays by tag
*Ability to embed gophermap links within posts
*Static page and post generation
*Ability to use a post shortener
*Display a list of books you're currently reading

I haven't added any features, just fixed it up to work with
Gophernicus as a real CGI script. It is a bit like a gopher version
of Blosxom. I know from a recent thread on bboard that some do not
care for gopher moles, but I have always loved the simplicity of CGI
and think it is a good fit for gopher. I think having the ability
for readers to leave simple text comments on a phlog is a nice way
to foster the gopher community.

[1] gopher://