Slerm Phlogging Script

I've added some more updates to my version of the excellent 'germ'
phlogging script as created by wt@sdf, and renamed it 'slerm' to
differentiate it. The main change from the previous version is the
ability to receive email alerts on post comments.

More details and links below, as well as a couple of helper
utilities. Here is the link to the tar archive [0].

There is a quickstart at the top of the tarball's INSTALL doc that
should get you up and running with minimal fuss. I also wrote a
couple of shell utilities to help with posting and keeping track of
post timestamps, always a problem with this style of blog engine:
upd [1] and publish [2]

'upd', when run as 'upd -g -u', updates a timestamp cache in your
home directory of all the slerm posts (*.post) in the ~/gopher/dat
directory. When run as just 'upd -g', it forces timestamps on all
the phlog posts back to those stored in the cache. By default is
uses ~/.gtstamps as the directory to hold the timestamp data. It has
a '-f' switch to allow the specification of an individual post file.

'publish' will copy a phlog post file from your staging directory
(by default ~/docs/phlog) to the ~/gopher/dat directory, in effect
publishing it. It is run like this:

publish -g -f

If the post exists already, force an overwrite like this:

publish -g -o -f

Finally, you can combine the two utilities into one, like this:

publish -g -u -f

which runs 'upd -g -u -f' after publishing the post.

A typical use-case is this - you edit a post, say it's called
'' in your ~/docs/phlog directory. When it's ready to go,
you publish it:

publish -g -u -f

At some later date, you make a change to the post, and want to
republish it:

publish -g -o -f upd -g -f

Running 'upd' in this way resets the timestamp back to what it was,
so it doesn't appear as a 'new' post.
