layout: post
title: January 2014 in Review
author: Steven
date: 2014-01-31 07:20:07
- Musings
- audiobook
- design
- musings
- voiceover
featured_image: https://www.stevenjaycohen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/wsi-imageoptim-audiobook.jpg
So far, 2014 is shaping up to be a great year.

I completed two wonderful projects in January (an audiobook and a website).

The audiobook is an interesting piece of speculative fiction by JC Andrijeski called Karma. The story revolves around two immortal souls that encounter each other throughout human history. And, how these beings both shape, and are shaped by, humanity.

The website is for a small Colorado-based company. Among other things, the company makes Vocal Isolation Booths (just what I need for my new recording studio ;-) ). They make a high-quality, solid product, and they were long overdue for a web upgrade. The site, though live, is still a work in progress (even the design is in flux). So, any feedback is more than welcome. In the coming weeks, I will be helping them add new photos and videos. And, they will be sharing more of their day-to-day work over social media.

Also, in the coming weeks, I will become the proud owner of a 4'x4' booth built by them! I promise to document the whole process so that other Voice Actors can fairly judge their booths against the competition.
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