layout: post
title: Key Viewer
author: Steven
date: 2007-05-16 04:34:52
- Musings
- os x
- software
featured_image: https://www.stevenjaycohen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/wsi-imageoptim-picture-2.jpg
Old-timer mac users will remember the Desktop Accessory called Key Caps. Key Caps made it very simple to look up how to get your keyboard to input special characters. Apple dropped Key Caps in Mac OSX 10.2. So, I made Key Viewer.

Apple still ships the Keyboard Viewer as part of OSX, but without Key Caps, there is not a simple method of invoking it. Key Viewer is simply a wrapper around a script that makes it easy
 to call up the Keyboard Viewer.

Key Viewer has only been tested on 10.4.x
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