layout: post
title: Iridium for ThemeChanger and ShapeShifter
author: Steven
date: 2005-09-21 01:29:03
- Musings
- iridium
- os x
- software
featured_image: https://www.stevenjaycohen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/wsi-imageoptim-happy-mac-icon.png

       For those of you who would like to apply Iridium using ThemeChanger or ShapeShifter instead of using my installer, I have just built an updated DLTA file:http://code.google.com/p/stevenjaycohen/downloads/list

       Contingent upon the release status of ThemeChanger, in the future, Iridium might only be packaged as a DLTA file and I may depreciate my installer.