The value of a woman is--across all epochs and cultures--reductible to two things:

--her accumulated practical wisdom;

--her ability to birth sane, healthy children, to ensure the survival
of her culture & ethnic group.

Looking at these two criteria, it would seem that most women in the West are lacking in essential value.

This may (may?  undoubtedly!) explains the bitterness and psycho-sexual-ideological pathology of virtually all women over age 30, and why they are in the forefront of all movements to destroy the culture which birthed them.

They live alone in debt-ridden squalor, surrounded by cats and the accessories of vanity.

They cannot help but hate their lives.

They have been sold a feminist bill of goods which urged them to pursue useless "careers" and wallow in promiscuity, instead of following theirfirst instinct: to find a dominant male, marry and serve him, and bear his children.  All other female pursuits take a back seat to this.