More on (bad/disquieting/perverted) sexual behavior.

Note: I talk here about the genuine examples of abuse.

By the way, girls:  if you give someone sex because he has promised
you something if you 'put out', and you later fail to receive the
job/promotion/gift in question, it does not retrospectively make
you an assault victim.  It makes you a prostitute too inept to
secure payment up front.

Think about the cultural characteristic so many of these recently
publicized sex addicts from a certain 'creative content'-creation milieu

Perhaps when you [1] get men from a historically shame-based, uh,
philoprogenitive culture and [2]  remove the things that once
existed to keep their excess lust in check, or to funnel it into
approved channels (these checks being exogenic shame as well as
the expectation that these men should marry early and confine their
sex impulses to their traditionally nubile brides)... you get this
kind of normalized debauchery inflicted on the willing and unwilling.

Or I am just trying to explain this in an overly PC manner, and
this is typical behavior from an elitist minority in-group who
simultaneously distain and fetishize the female/underage male
members of the out-group.

Just a thought.