Date:  22 Nov 2017
Subject: The tolerance sham

The modern demand for "tolerance" apparently stops at one's own
marriage.  How can openness exist, without the assurance of
acceptance, or at least an attempt at understanding, from the other
person in the relationship?

i am reminded of something i have noticed.  The (usually female)
person who dwells upon herself "wronged" or "cheated on" focuses
on her own (exaggerated) hurt, anger, wounded pride and vanity.
Rarely she acknowledges that the person who did whatever she
considers "wrong" is usually hurt MORE than she:  by guilt over
his actions, by feeling that distress was caused to a loved one,
by whatever lack or dissatisfaction made him do the "wrong" thing
in the first place, by bearing the brunt of her blame, her selfpitying
tears, her hostility, her emotional outbursts and trauma.