Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2017 00:44:44 -0700
Subject: Fascism, the borked family, more evils of our feminized society.

You know how lately i do a lot of thinking/writing about the problems
of feminism, present morality, our disordered sexual norms etc,
and secondarily the trend toward greater authoritarianism, centralized
statist/corporate power and control, etc etc.  Today i had a small

Why is there so much support/encouragement of single women having
children and raising them without fathers, even though by every
standard of measurement those children, on average, turn out
considerably worse than kids from two-parent families?  (even
controlling for income--the amount of money and privilege the single
mother has makes no difference, except for the very very rich).
(Right now illegitimacy rates are around 70% for black Americans,
40% + and climbing for whites. Hispanics somewhere in the middle.)

If you wanted to read something sinister into it, consider how...a
society of children who grow up without father figures and without
stable family role probably going to be a society more
receptive to crude demogoguery, to totalitarian fascism,
basically.  Looking for the benevolent (yeah right) authority figure
that was missing from their childhoods.  Look at how fascist-type
demogogues become popular after a phase of social and sexual
liberalization, Hitler after the Weimar republic being the classic
example!  Some of this, of course, is just a reaction and
pendulum-swinging, /but/... seems the younger people who are the
actual product of this social/family breakdown are the most avid
supporters of this violent reaction.

Just a theory.  i need to think about this more.

Or on a less political note: think of how children of single mothers
are statistically far more likely to end up in abusive relationships.

Having been deprived of actual fatherly role models (with at best,
some weak masculine figure--an aged grandfather or mommy's transient
bed-partners--on the periphery of their lives), these children have
no concept of what male power, and masculinity generally, is supposed
to look like, having grown up in a slack matriarchy.

They just know that some crucial component is missing from their
earliest childhoods onward (chopped out by stupid selfish mom the
misandrist):so they go for its most fucked-up, authoritarian
manifestation of masculinity...Interesting, for example, how the
rise of the violent pimp/thug archetype as some kind of desireable
norm, that women go for and men emulate, in the lower/underclass
exactly correlates with the huge breakdown of the lower/underclass
two-parent family.*

If there is anything i have learned, being a observer of the modern
American excuse for a 'family', it is that the slightly screwed up
people who were products of the perfect-storm of the 1980s and
1990s (destruction of the poor/working class + sexual revolution
+ feminism)--unless these people made a very conscious effort to
repudiate their early conditioning they acquired growing up in
broken or simply dysfunctional homes/milieux, they tended to spawn
children infinitely even more destructive than they are/were.

Because they largely grew up fatherless.

Cliche but true:  the first relationship a girl has with a man, is
with her father.  If that relationship is absent, well--absent
heavy-duty psychotherapy, she will spend her life trying to replicate
that absence ...

Another problem.  Women cannot discipline.  "Wait until your father
gets home!" is a cliche for a reason.  When there is no father (and
plenty of scarred, beaten-down Beta males who are de jure custodial
parents are not fathers in any meaningful sense) the child grows
up with a sick abyss of need (hence the abusive relationships,
above), and no awareness of boundaries or awareness of abstract morality.

Sickness.  A sickness snowballing through generations

The damage of the single mother, part 84324321.

More thoughts on this in part 05.