Dear Sojourner,

In 1 Peter 2:5 we see our identity in Christ, "you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ". In Colossians 3:16, believers were instructed to "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."

Christianity pictured in Scripture is a loving household and a community. It is a living organism, not an organisation. Not weekly spectators, entertained by a charismatic or emotional preacher, but participators with an attitude of servitude. It is the outpouring of Christ in a corporate expression. It is the embodiment of connectedness among believers, where authentic relationships are shared in the spirit of humility and vulnerability. Expressing love by remembering the poor and less fortunate, through the giving of possessions and financial resources cheerfully to any in need.

Early believers met in homes and in the temple (synagogue), and saw themselves as an extension of Judaism (Acts 2:46), not part of a new religion. It was only later on in the 3rd century that the Roman emperors decreed followers of Christ to not observe the sabbath, appointed times and other practices observed by the apostles and even Jesus Himself.

The typical church setting we see today in unknown to many has many remnants of Roman Catholic tradition. The reformation recovered the priesthood of believers to soteriology (salvation), but missed out the issue of ecclesiology (the church). We have made golden calves in the very place where call upon the Lord. While music and amplification has its purposes, how many 'worship leaders' today can honestly confess that much of the 'worship music' today has been engineered for believers to 'feel high'? We unknowingly deceive many believers by mistaking euphoric emotions as ‘ushering in’ the presence of God. Does not God also manifest his presence in silence? Why are so many encouraged to pray in tongues publicly without interpretation? What benefit is there but 'individualistic edification'? Can't we all pray in tongues privately on our own? Sure does 'feel good' when we all pray in tongues together though.

I'm honestly unable to tell if many a local church today is ushering the Holy Spirit or Noisy Spirit. We have made idols of the clergy (hierarchical leadership) within the local church, in turn diminishing the exercise of our priesthood. Are we not guilty of preferring and often requiring only capable, popular, seminary trained professionals to be teach and to lead? What about the rest of the believers? Does such a structure not indirectly encourage passivity for fear of 'being wrong'? How long more do we have to focus on the New Testament for the sake of new believers?

Before misunderstanding my point, there is a place for leaders within the assembly of believers. 1 Timothy and Titus does gives us an outLe of governance within the community of believers. However I personally believe that the fellowship of believers who meet week after week ought not to be centered around the influence of leaders. Our leadership and authority ought to come only from our Senior Pastor Jesus Christ. All of us believers are called to teach and admonish teach other (Col 3:16). All of us believers are to be overseers among each other (Heb 12:15), and esteem each other in humility. I struggle to see this manifested, especially when everyone else seems to be much more dressed up than me.

I have left for one church after another, with much sorrow not looking for the perfect church, but simply seeking for like-minded, thirsty believers who we can express Christ with, without rocking the boat by looking too elite and 'holier that you'. In the end, I retreat, and pray, because as much as I am disappointed, I still believe God can work in ways that I may not understand. I certainly don't have all the answers, nor do I claim to. I just truly wonder if christianity as pictured in the scriptures can truly exist in this day and age.