I'm no longer homeless! It was pretty Dickensian.
I scripted a gopher posting demon (test, test,..)
since before I was doing some jumble of writing
and copying files on or off SDF, and running
$ gopher
in order to effect 'chmod 754 post.txt'. It's not
really nice enough to publish, but I will put
something in 1common lisp.
I find it's very powerful for me to use compared
to how I was using BSD mail; though the premise
is basically
'''ecl lisp
(with-input-from-string (in mail-args)
(ext:run-program "ssh" '("user@domain" "mail" "-I")
 :input in))
Where mail-args is a string of mail's *standard-input*.

By formalizing my posting as a simple email and automating
it, I can post more and post more, and mirror my gopher here
in places those otherwise inclined can find.
I also added the ability to donate by a few horrible
javascript apps and keep my boxen roofed, if you are thus
