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=                         Reinhold Schneider                         =

Reinhold Schneider on a stamp
Reinhold Schneider (Baden-Baden, May 13, 1903 – Freiburg im Breisgau,
April 6, 1958) was a German poet who also wrote novels. Initially his
works were less religious, but later his poetry had a Christian and
specifically Catholic influence. His first works included ones about
Luís de Camões and Portugal.

He had written anti-war poems, which were banned in Nazi Germany. 'Las
Casas' (1938) had analysed the ways Christians should respond to state
oppression, and had criticised Nazi persecution and anti-Semitism;
this led to the ban on publishing his works.

During the war associates of Schneider were in the 'Kreisau Circle'
and the 'Freiburger Konzil' which had links with anti-Nazi resistance.
His works were still published in Karl Ludwig Freiherr von und zu
Guttenbergs journal 'White Papers' and "underground", and tracts were
distributed to soldiers at the front. Though he was accused of treason
by authoring defeatist literature, the war ended before he could be

* 'Apokalypse' (1946): an anthology of sonnets.
* 'Begegnung und Bekenntnis. Literarische Essays' (1963)
* 'Briefe an einen Freund. Mit Erinnerungen von Otto Heuschele'
* 'Briefwechsel/Reinhold Schneider, Leopold Zeigler' (1960)
* 'Das Inselreich' (1936)
* 'Das Leiden des Camões' (1930)
* 'Der große Verzicht' (1950): drama.
* 'Die Hohenzollern. Tragik und Königtum' (1933)
* 'Die Tarnkappe' (1951): drama.
* 'Innozenz und Franziskus' (1952): drama.
* ' (1938)
* 'Pfeiler im Strom' (1958)
* 'Philipp der Zweite' (1931)
* 'Tagebuch: 1930-1935'
* 'Über Dichter und Dichtung' (1953)
* 'Verhüllter Tag, Bekenntnis eines Lebens' (1954)
* 'Verpflichtung und Liebe' (1964)
* 'Winter in Wien' (1958): a diary account of Schneider's stay in
Vienna during 1957.

*Peace Prize of the German Book Trade (1956)
*Pour le Mérite (Friedensklasse) (1952)
*Honorary doctorates bestowed by the University of Freiburg and the
University of Münster (1946/47)
*Droste-Preis (1948)
*Longfellow-Preis (1948)

                           External links
* [ German Literature
Companion: Reinhold Schneider]

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