Log #5 || 4/14/2020 || Living Room || Qubes ThinkPad


Over the years coffee prep for me has evolved and changed from the tiny 4-cup maker with the bulk, pre-ground, freeze-dried beans to actually tracking down decent coffee for pour over in a Chemex.  In the interim, living with roommates, friends & family I was fortunate enough to try out various grinders, automatic coffee machines and makers.  With everything automated, it's almost like driving a Mercedes (Note: I have zero experience driving anything remotely as fancy as a Merc, but between the ads and "Top Gear", it appears most everything is on rails.), while with the pour over/Chemex approach, it's akin to a manual transmission: timing boiling the water with grinding beans, putting the filter in place and evenly distributing boiling water over the grounds (and not on the counter or the floor or your bare feet).