Log #15 || 2/15/2022 || Living Room Table || Ancient MacBook Air of Doom

Olympics 2022

Just enjoying the 2 week period where we all become experts at curling and figure skating.
It's kind of a nice distraction from Winter weather, work & Covid.  We tried streaming
via Peacock: it's been ok thus far but I don't think we'll keep it long-term - don't watch
nearly enough TV to justify it. Additionally, Hulu Plus got trimmed out of the already
limited streaming line up as it came with Spotify (who knew?).
Researching Peacock and review the couple other streaming services we utilize, it's become
abundantly clear that the TV & Movie studios are just recreating siloed network "channels"
only a few of which house anything that we want to watch and we're expected to subscribe to
them all again. Cynically, I understand why staying with a platform like Netflix or Hulu
wasn't as attractive as creating your own (because, money).
Anyway, Olympics.  The bobsled is pretty fun, if not terrifying, to watch as well!!