This software is a distribution of Columbia University's MS-DOS Kermit.

It was assembled by Sam Gauthier <[email protected]> by installing
MS-DOS Kermit v3.14, superimposing the v3.15 executables (and patches,
where applicable), superimposing the v3.16b7 main executable, and
adding/updating the following files:

MSKERMIT.INI  Fixed 'fast' macro, updated for v3.16
MSCUSTOM.INI  Customized heavily for 'generic' environment, updates
SETMODEM.SCR  Called by 'setmodem' macro to define modem's port settings
NULMODEM.SCR  Called by 'nulmodem' macro to define direct serial connection
SERVER.SCR  Sets up Kermit server-mode on COM1
TCPIP.SCR  Sets up TCP/IP (same as TCP/IP section of MSCUSTOM.INI)
DOCS\*.*  Current MS-DOS Kermit documentation (including updates)
MODEMS\GENERIC.SCR  A generic dialing script for auto-bauding modems

(Note: Backups of config files in DOCS\*.STD)

I *highly* recommend using this distribution as an MS-DOS telnet client,
using my distribution of Tony Lopez Molero's DOSPPPD (DOSPPPD.ZIP) and
(optionally) my LGLZ-compressed WATTCP apps (TCPLITE.ZIP).  Finally, I
recommend compiling G-Kermit 1.0 (GKU100.ZIP) on your Unix host.

Copyright (C) 1982, 1995, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New
York.  The MS-DOS Kermit software may not be, in whole or in part, licensed
or sold for profit as a software product itself, nor may it be included in
or distributed with commercial products or otherwise distributed by
commercial concerns to their clients or customers without written permission
of the Office of Kermit Development and Distribution, Columbia University.
This copyright notice must not be removed, altered, or obscured.

(End of README.1ST)