# GraphQL Cheatsheet

## Overview of unique features

- Query language for APIs
- Allows clients to specify exactly what data they need
- Supports introspection and self-documentation
- Can be used for building efficient and flexible APIs

## Querying

# Query for a specific field
 user(id: "123") {

# Query for a specific field with an alias
 john: user(id: "123") {
 jane: user(id: "456") {

# Query for a field with arguments
 users(role: "admin") {

# Query for a field with nested objects
 user(id: "123") {
   posts {

## Mutations

# Create a new user
mutation {
 createUser(input: {name: "John", email: "[email protected]"}) {

# Update an existing user
mutation {
 updateUser(id: "123", input: {name: "John Doe"}) {

# Delete a user
mutation {
 deleteUser(id: "123") {

## Fragments

# Define a fragment
fragment UserInfo on User {

# Use a fragment in a query
 user(id: "123") {

# Define a fragment with variables
# Define a fragment with variables
fragment UserInfo on User {
 posts(first: $count) {

# Use a fragment with variables
query($count: Int!) {
 user(id: "123") {

## Directives

# Use a directive to conditionally include a field
 user(id: "123") {
   posts @include(if: $withPosts) {

## Schema

# Define a schema
type User {
 id: ID!
 name: String!
 email: String!
 posts: [Post!]!

type Post {
 id: ID!
 title: String!
 content: String!
 author: User!

type Query {
 user(id: ID!): User
 posts: [Post!]!

type Mutation {
 createUser(input: CreateUserInput!): User!
 updateUser(id: ID!, input: UpdateUserInput!): User!
 deleteUser(id: ID!): User!

input CreateUserInput {
 name: String!
 email: String!

input UpdateUserInput {
 name: String
 email: String

## Resources

- [GraphQL documentation](https://graphql.org/learn/)
- [GraphQL tutorial](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/graphql/index.htm)
- [GraphQL forum](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/graphql) for community support and troubleshooting.