# Woodworking Cheatsheet

## Materials
- Wood (various types and sizes)
- Saw (hand saw, circular saw, table saw, etc.)
- Chisel
- Hammer
- Screwdriver
- Drill
- Sandpaper (various grits)
- Clamps
- Wood glue
- Finish (paint, stain, varnish, etc.)

## Techniques
- Measuring and marking: using a measuring tape, square, and marking tool to ensure accurate cuts and joints
- Cutting: using a saw to cut wood to the desired size and shape
- Joinery: connecting pieces of wood using various joints, such as butt joints, lap joints, and dovetail joints
- Sanding: smoothing the surface of the wood using sandpaper
- Finishing: applying a protective finish to the wood, such as paint, stain, or varnish

## Hand Tools
- Hand saw: used for cutting wood by hand
- Chisel: used for carving and shaping wood
- Hammer: used for driving nails and other fasteners into wood
- Screwdriver: used for driving screws into wood
- Hand plane: used for smoothing and shaping wood

## Power Tools
- Circular saw: used for cutting wood with a circular blade
- Table saw: used for cutting large pieces of wood with a stationary blade
- Jigsaw: used for cutting curves and intricate shapes in wood
- Drill: used for making holes in wood
- Router: used for shaping and cutting decorative edges in wood

## Safety
- Wear eye and ear protection when using power tools
- Keep fingers and loose clothing away from moving parts
- Use sharp tools to prevent slips and accidents
- Keep work area clean and free of clutter

## Resources
- [Woodworking for Beginners](https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/woodworking-for-beginners-4163058) - a beginner's guide to woodworking
- [Woodworking Basics](https://www.woodmagazine.com/basics) - a collection of woodworking tips and techniques
- [Woodworking YouTube Channels](https://www.popularwoodworking.com/woodworking-blogs/10-woodworking-youtube-channels-you-should-follow/) - a list of popular woodworking channels on YouTube