# Skydiving Cheatsheet

## Basic Equipment
* Parachute
* AAD (Automatic Activation Device)
* Harness
* Altitude Meter
* Jumpsuit
* Goggles
* Helmet
* Reserve Parachute (optional)

## Basic Steps
1. Attend a skydiving training course to learn the basics of skydiving
2. Put on your jumpsuit, harness, goggles, and helmet
3. Board the airplane and ascend to the desired altitude
4. Perform a safety check of your equipment and attach yourself to the airplane
5. Jump from the airplane and enjoy the freefall
6. At the appropriate altitude, deploy your main parachute
7. Navigate your descent and prepare for landing
8. Land safely on the ground

## Terminology
* Freefall: The period of time when a skydiver is falling without a deployed parachute
* Canopy: The parachute that is deployed after the freefall to slow the descent
* Dropzone: The designated area for skydivers to land
* AAD (Automatic Activation Device): A safety device that automatically deploys the reserve parachute in case the skydiver is unable to do so themselves
* Tandem skydiving: A method of skydiving where a novice skydiver is harnessed to an experienced skydiver who controls the parachute
* AFF (Accelerated Freefall): A method of skydiving where a novice skydiver is accompanied by two instructors who help them practice freefall and deploy their own parachute
* Formation skydiving: A type of skydiving where multiple skydivers form a specific shape or pattern in the air
* Dropzone owner: The owner of the skydiving facility and equipment

## Tips and Tricks
* Listen carefully to your instructor's safety briefing and follow their instructions closely
* Stay relaxed and enjoy the experience
* Keep your body stable and maintain a good arch during freefall
* Look at the horizon to maintain your balance and orientation
* Wear comfortable and weather-appropriate clothing

## Resources
* [United States Parachute Association](https://uspa.org/)
* [Dropzone.com](https://www.dropzone.com/)
* [Skydiving Magazine](https://blueskiesmag.com/)
* Skydiving centers and instructors in your local area