Seems I don't even have permission to view mkgopherentry. I did
find a copy (apparently) /1/users/wt/soft/gopher/ which gave me
a tip that it may look for a file named gophermap_header to put
at the top. I made that, we'll see what happens shortly.

Neither vi nor vim work properly for me here. I have different
problems with backspace in each, and backspace works as expected
in the shell. I've read a while and tried various "tricks" that
are supposed to make it work but they've been of little use.
Weird. The reason I write this is that I'm used to the column
count thingie in "my" vim. With all the writing I've done in a
short time here, I've yet to figure out a count. I'm wrapping
lines where they look about right, but I have absolutely no idea
if it's right or not.

I guess I should come clean with something. I am using a windows 7
machine to do all this. Maybe that's why I have such problems with
key mapping and stuff, problems I didn't recall having in years
past when using Linux at home. If $pick_a_linux_distro wouldn't
make my laptop run so damned hot maybe I wouldn't be in this mess.
Hell, I could live without it sleeping when I close the lid if I
had to.

Gotta stop blathering. I've only had this thing for an hour and
I've already writting more than I had in the last five years of
having a wordpress install.

Nope, it doesn't seem to give a shit about gophermap_header either.
Oh well.