My Simple Life

Thu 07 Mar 2024 - Cheap Shampoo Hacks

Years ago, people would buy several of these dollar-a-bottle shampoos
from the supermarkets and discount stores. Each time they'd wash their
hair with a different brand of these dollar-a-bottle shampoos and each
time, a salon experience look.

Nowadays - to avoid single-use plastic bottles - the gentlest Castile
and olive-oil bar or cube soaps will do for every other shower. Liquid
Castile soaps can be diluted to the point by which the solution would
barely generate a soapy later.

Finally, a healthy human being is more likely to have healthy hair. We'd
do well to take care of ourselves from the inside out. Furthermore,
our hair is like our clothes. If we'd wash the same article of clothing
every day, it'd not last long.

Mon 04 Mar 2024 - One of a People

I'm one of a people who do not like to draw a lot of attention to
ourselves. We often try to "hide in plain sight," so to speak. I'm one
of a people who do not like to engage in "virtue signaling." We're quite
okay without social media bonus points for things we do because to us,
it's the deed that counts and not the attention or recognition that
one might garner from it.

We're quite a private people, here. I'll politely refuse an invitation
to join the neighborhood H.O.A. then friends and neighbors with myself,
will privately make fun of the association. The temptation is too great
not to do so. The infamous cliques for which this city is known, others'
and myself keep at a polite distance but sometimes we have to assert
our boundaries with them.

Living on a parade route means being stuck in one's living space for
nearly the entirety of one Saturday every year. It's not the first
time I've lived on one but it's the longest time I've done so. Every
parade season those I've not heard from or seen most of the past year
are very friendly with me ... until I tell them that I'll be out of
the neighborhood all day.

Fri 16 Feb 2024 - Staying the same

Staying the same is a luxury for those who have the money to do so.

Mon Jan  1 2024 - My Life

That my life hasn't been an easy one does not mean that it isn't
a good one.

Mon 27 Nov 2023 - One's Authentic Self

It means something to be one's authentic self in a society that is
generally phony, pretentious, and with ulterior motives.

Wed 15 Nov 2023 - Not so Simple Sometimes

A motor vehicle collision right in front of where I was waiting for the
bus. I was nearly hit by flying debris. Once assured there was no fire or
injuries, I made my way to another bus stop. Please drive carefully.

Tue 07 Nov 2023 - What does it mean in terms of getting around?

Walking 0.9 miles to the bus stop most weekday mornings, sometimes
in Daylight Savings Time darkness over treacherous sidewalks in
an overgrown neighborhood.

Requesting a hour annual leave each weekday so I can meet up with a
car-pool going through downtown, where I can walk home from the location
that is my drop-off point.

Limited access to goings-on in a automobile-centric regressive redneck
suburbia that is the city in which I live and with little or no empathy
from motor vehicle owners.

Economic freedom from the expense of ownership, maintenance, insurance,
fuel, any and every other expense that goes along owning and operating
any kind of motor vehicle.

Emancipation from slavery to a status-seeking ego machine that's tied
to an extractive fossil-fuel economy that powers a 100-plus year old
propulsion technology.

Being that much farther removed from the environmental degradation linked
to our pathological dependencies on fossil fuels and most privately-owned
motor vehicles.

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