I think taking a month off from "serious computing" (at home) was
one of the smartest things I've done.

We performed our second and (hopefully final, for the foreseeable
future)  move  from  an apartment to a house.  This completes our
cross-country journey which began nearly a year ago.

After all of the packing, apartment living, and house-hunting,  I
thought  living  in  the new house was going to be the easy part.
But unpacking *so much stuff* is hard.  Especially since we don't
really  want to have so much stuff anymore.  But here it is, much
of it in boxes, and it is just DRAINING.

As soon as this final move began I told myself, "don't try to get
anything  else  done  this  month."  And I didn't. No problem.  I
didn't get anything done  (except  new  house-related  stuff  and
work) for a month.

That was a really, really good decision.

But now I'm ready to get back to it.

I  have  a number of learning goals (all programming-related).  I
have some project ideas.  I am looking forward to resuming  read-
ing  and writing regularly on Gopher.  I'd like to start creating
art again.  I don't know how, but I'd love to fit  in  some  cre-
ative writing.

And I've finally started the first steps of a little project I've
been wanting to do for years: building a portable computer.

"Uh, that's called a laptop, ratfactor."

Yeah, I know, it's gonna require some explanation.  But I'm pret-
ty sure if anyone will "get it," it'll be you gophers.  I guess I
know what I'll be writing about in the next post here.

Oh, and in impeccable timing, I was also able to nab  a  spot  on
zaibatsu.circumlunar.space.  So now that's a new shiny thing that
I look forward to fully exploring now that I'm back "online."
