A bare metal C64 emulator

Well, sunday was somewhat frustrating due to the need to
finish some paperwork that should have been done an eternity
ago so i needed something to vent this frustration. In an
lucky occurence i remembered that i wanted to look into the
BMC64 project i had stumbled upon some time ago... and i
remembered, that i have a raspberry pi 2 lying around in
a drawer...

So, what IS the BMC64? Well, its an "bare metal" fork of
the VICE C64 emulator running on an raspberry pi. Why is
that cool? Because you have nearly no boot time, no need
to shut the thing down after usage and on the whole it just
feels like an real C64.

So, i downloaded the needed zip file, formatted an SD
card with a Fat32 file system, unzipped everything onto
the card and started to look where i could find the needed
ROM files (you need the basic, character set, kernal and
the firmware for the floppy) - easiest way is to just
download the windows version of vice and extract the files
from there - put everything in the right folders and fired
the thing up.

Man, this was a blast from the past... you plug in the
USB cable, the screen flickers and there you are, in C64
BASIC like its the 80s again. The weird thing was, i was
immediately able to recall the commands to use the thing,
it seems like the endless hours i spend as a child sitting
in front of that green phosphorous glowing monitor burned
everything into a non erasable part of my brain.

Now i HAVE to get the floppy images for the stuff i had back
then :-D