22 June 2023

Back from Web3

My last post was about spending some time in Web3 and  ... what can i say...
after my first overly excitement i now just want to see everything regarding this
burn down.

But let me tell you how i ended up in that place. About a month ago i stumbled upon
nostr, a peer to peer microblogging protocol that lead me down the Web3 rabbit hole.
On nostr i encountered tons of interesting people and read about their projects, i
started exploring the "internet computer" and the whole world of blockchain. It was
really exciting...
mean, the energy these people radiate is captivating, and i really believe that
many of them have the honest intention of making the world a better place.

But - and there is allways a "but" - the programmers and theorists are not the ones
that poison the well, its the investors, the money grabbers, the ancaps, the "got
mine, fuck you!" personality type people that follow the former that make the whole
Web3 ecosystem toxic as fuck. Yes, you encounter this personalities everywhere,
in daily life, in the surface web, but man, in the Web3 ecosystem those personality
types thrive like flies on a big pile of bullshit.

Asking about the environmental impact of mining? - No problem! Either climate
change is a hoax, overblown or the free market will solve the problems by investing in
greener technologies.

Pah, just abandon social security, people WILL find jobs that make them money when
faced with the consequences of being lazy.

Its not just the toxic personalities that flock to Web3... the whole underlying technolgy
feels - after exploring parts of it - just so utterly inefficient. I wrote some code for the
"internet computer", some really simple stuff and running this on my local node made my
computer basicallycook. Its just that the whole tech stack is layers upon layers upon
layers of software, even more so than in our "normal" tech world. It just feels so.... WRONG.


I might be years late to come to this conclusion, perhaps i just had to hear the opinions
of people who visited Web3 before... but whatever grows out of this ecosystem i will
not be part of it.