19 July 2022

Heat & drinking the cool aid

Its... hot, we are according to the forecast approaching
39 degrees Celsius today, very unusual for a german summer.
The weird thing (even considered the last temperature
records broke multiple times in the last 20 years) its still
unbelievable that there are still people out there who
simply deny the existence of climate change.

I just phoned back in with my elderly parents and remembered
them to drink enough and, more important, stay the f... out
of the heat.

Today i thought about the google fanboying i did now for a
time after trying out ChromeOS and, thinking about it, did
any person of my social circle came up with this stuff to
me (as one who normally had a very, very bad look at the
products of Big G) i would have told him that he drank the
cool aid of the big corporation. And now i am standing here
(or, to be more precise: Sitting in my old "Boss Chair")
and thinking about bringing the company for whom i am the
CTO now into the "dark and dangerous Google cave"...