04 July 2022

Its monday again... and i had a pretty productive weekend.

I finally had time to set up Plan9 on my Raspberry Pi
Model B and reinstall all the goodies and custom software
i had on my Thinkpad R60 before it ended up in a catastrophic
hardware failure. I will post another article going into detail
on the setup and how to get everything running. If you are
familiar with Linux or Unix, the configuration of Plan9 tends
to be a bit... frustrating. But when its all done and running
its a really great system.

A good thing was that i could restock my fish tank a bit after
*whatever* killed half the population and ruined the ecosystem
in the tank after years of flawless operation. Let's hope that
the system stays stable from now on.

The best part of the weekend was that i could completely
ignore the major news sites (and especially the comments on
this sites). This is a MAJOR factor on keeping my depression and
anger issues in check. I hope this week i can keep on to just
look into the news once or twice a day and then leave without
starting a battle with the "other idiots" in the comment section.

News sites and reddit where allways my bane as i am a person who
is deeply concerned with the environment, social issues and so on.
This may be a good thing, but if you add to this the unstoppable
urge to defend your position and try to convince others to your
standpoint coupled with mood swings and at times a real nasty
temper its no good for anybody involved. So my resolution to get
out of this rage > depression > RAGE cycle is to avoid places
where i may get involved in discussions of this kind (e.g. reddit
and news sites). At least on days where i can manage to stay away
its much better for my mental health...