Blowing the Cloud Away

I'm going to  let you in on a  terrible  secret- I love the  Google eco-
system. Ever since I  bought the TMobile G1 back in 2008, I have  been a
supporter and embracer of the cloud. But as nice as a full ecosystem is,
it is also a big black box  when it comes to privacy and  data security.

I've slowly started chipping away at the cloud. I recently set up my own
email server- I got that  out of the way, because for me, it is the big-
gest pain to set up and make secure. Setting up a NextCloud instance for
data storage and contact/calendar sync  is next, and that will be up and
running in the next  few days. After I have these  humming along, I plan
on switching my other frequently-used services- Google Search changes to
DuckDuckGo, Google Maps to OpenStreetMap, etc.

I'm just tired of all of the privacy-sucking bullshit.