PC Gaming

I'm at the point  where I'm fed up with the state  of PC gaming. I still
play the occasional  strategy game or RPG, but  that's it. The rat  race
that is PC upgrades  has finally gotten to me, after 20 years. It's even
worse  now, where even a  low-tier graphics  card will cost you twice as
much as it did a year ago.

I've decided I'm  getting a PS4. I get  to relax  on the couch,  start a
game, and not  wonder if it will be playable on my system. A console has
its own pitfalls, but many of my friends have one, and I still do have a
PC for the few games I can enjoy on it.

I'll probably go back to PC gaming in a couple of years, but I'm happy
with my decision.