# I abandoned the Internet

Well, not really. I kind of abandoned it, at least compared to before, when the Internet was a vital part of my life. I browsed a lot. I read whatever came into my
sight -- articles, blog posts, opinion columns, everything. I was *drowning* in informmation.

That is over now.

Partly because my priorities have changed a *lot* since my son was born. I value every single second I can spend with him. It is not a choice whether I should
turn on my computer and read something online or take a walk with him. I am typing these very words only because it is 17:45 and I have a spare hour during his
afternoon nap.

Partly because I myself changed. You see, in the past I was an early adopter. A *really early* one. Quite possibly I was the first ever Hungarian Mastodon user (this
isn't confirmed, but so far noone claimed the title). I'd have planted a chip under my skin to gesture control my whatever, because I was always excited about
hightech, cyberpunkish stuff. I guess I grew old. I am typing this on my father's Thinkpad R60 (512 MB RAM) -- I should return it soon to him, but well. It is perfect
for my present needs and this tells a lot.

And partly because I simply don't care anymore. Honestly, the world has started to turn into something I really don't like and I just don't want to read about that
crap. It is well enough *living in it* -- reading about how fucked up things are seems totally unnecessary.

If I pull my phone out of my pocket, I rather start Dandelion (a Diaspora client), Tootdon (a Mastodon client) or Pocket Gopher. All of those (Diaspora, Mastodon and
the Gopherverse) seem a closed and safe space compared to eg. Facebook (don't have an account), Twitter (just about to shut down my account) and the World Wide Web. I
noticed that I started to give up mainstream stuff and use more "underground" things. No, I don't intentionally look for "underground", that just happens. Maybe I
really grew old.

I wonder if I have returned to a baby boomer mindset, or this is actually what comes after "Z generation" -- the alphabetic cycle starts again and the new "A
generation" will use technology less recklessly and will return to something that is now considered as "retro", like Gopher.

I still like to experiment tho. Last night I turned my Raspberry Pi into a Gopher server. And as I think about this, I have to laugh -- I used a relatively new piece
of technology and turned it into something "retro".

As if I'd somehow live my life backwards. But that's OK, I guess.