November 30, 2020

       A bit annoyed today - I actually ended up having to transfer
yesterday's log to a floppy disk and upload it via scp from my Linux Mint
machine. It turns out that the telnet client I use on my DOS machine, the
one included with mTCP, is not fully telnet compliant, and doesn't support
things like the datamark command, which normally would not be any kind of
an issue but SDF uses it which means my X and Ymodem transfers are
effectively limited in size to just over a kilobyte. I also still have not
found a satisfactory DOS text editor, and to save myself the trouble of
having to deal with either of those issues today's log is being typed up
in PICO.

       I'm in-between "real" projects at the moment, so mostly I have
been trying to find applications to make DOS fulfill tasks usually considered
too modern for such a machine. Finding a quality text editor and SSH
client were parts of this effort, although I have been more successful in
things like playing mp3s and DVDs, as well as using the conventional
internet in a rudimentary sort of way with Lynx. I suspect to make up much
more ground on this front I'm probably going to have to roll up my sleeves
and make something myself.

       Anyway, it was a work-day today, so not much else of note going
on. Gonna wrap up this log a little early today and probably find a game
or something to kill the rest of the evening.
