Sunday, January 23, 2022

       I am typing this out in nano from the sdf shell from my main PC. I
may come back later and redo this entry in Textra 7 as I used to do, I dunno.
It has been nearly a full year since my last entry, in March of 2021. There
have been a lot of goings-on in that time, despite the absence of my logs.

       Presently, I am seated at my old desk I replaced years ago in my
living room, which is not where computers are meant to go. My newer desk is
in pieces, sitting disassembled in the garage. This one is much smaller, so
it was called back into service when I had to abandon my old 'office' in my
sunroom, about 6 months ago. I didn't usually spend a lot of time in there in
the winter anyways, on account of it being so difficult and expensive to get
to a comfortable temperature, but it turns out the windows were leaky in more
ways than one, and I discovered a serious mold outbreak when relocating some
furniture. I'm not really in a situation presently to deal with it correctly,
so instead I packed almost all of my computers into the garage and my closets
and sealed off that room - it was a converted back patio, so the main entry
door was an old exterior sliding glass door, and there's no ventilation
between that room and the rest of the house, so there should be no risk
of that crap getting anywhere else.

       So, my main PC which I need to do life stuff on and which I do use
for newer games and the occasional odd project is out here in the living
room, as well as one of my more recent acquisitions, a Tandy 1000 TX, which I
have been tinkering with here and there when I'm not too tired from work,
which basically means only on the weekends when I'm not busy with errands. I
find myself unable to pursue any of my hobbies lately, on account of work.
It has been distressing. The only reason I have found time to type this log
today is because for the last 9 days I have been under quarantine - I finally
caught COVID-19, having just recovered and tested clear to go back to work.

       This has been a couple pages of text to say that yes, I am alive, I
am still tinkering with old computers and fun software projects, and if I am
able I would like very much to get back to writing new entries in this log.
