Computer Science II Exam I Review

 The exam is a mixture of true/false, short answer, and fill-in-the
 blank questions.  These review questions are meant to give you an
 idea of the topics on the exam and may or may not appear on the

 1. What do pointers store?
 2. Know how to use pointers.
 3. How can you use pointer arithmetic to loop over an array?
 4. What is a C string? (careful about googling that one.  Just
    remember, that which has been seen cannot be unseen)
 5. What is meant by variable scope and how is it determined?
 6. What goes in a .h file?
 7. How do you produce colors on a terminal?
 8. What is pointer indirection?
 9. How does pointer indirection relate to the storage of c strings?
 10. How are command line arguments passed into a program?
 11. What are the individual elements in a structure called?
 12. How do you access the elements in a structure?
 13. How do you access the elements in a structure when using a
     pointer to a structure?
 14. How do you dereference a pointer, and what does that do?
 15. How do you open a file for reading?
 16. How do you open a file for writing?
 17. Know how to use typedef in conjunction with structures.
 18. How do yo dynamically allocate variables?
 19. How do you dynamically allocate an array?
 20. How do you de-allocate dynamic memory?
 21. What is a singly linked linked list?
 22. What is a doubly linked linked list?
 23. Be able to sketch the results of various linked list operations.
 25. What is a stack?
 26. How can a stack be implemented using an array?
 27. How can a stack be implemented using a linked list?
 28. What sorts of problems can be solved using a stack?
 29. What are the basic operations of a stack?
 30. What are the basic operations of a linked list?