#:DATE 2021.05.14
#:WEATHER perfect
#:DISTANCE 3.5 miles
#:PACE easy

I ordered a special waist belt-pack and an insulated soft-bottle
offline and they arrived today, so I took my special super-athletical
fanny-pack out for a test drive.  I have to say, I feel that I looked
like a super-dork running around with it on my short distance run
around the nearby trails, but it was very comfortable, even when
packed with a full 500 ml water bottle.  I think that if I am going to
bring along some hydration, I will probably just carry it in my hand,
but I am very glad to have this waist-pack for carrying things like
keys, my phone, and some nutrition.  I find that it's way better than
a vest, as it doesn't restrict efficient breathing.