Tue Jun  2 04:17:42 UTC 2020

some gopher links I found


I was looking for some links to textfiles.com on gopher. You'd
figure there was a mirror of it or something. Anyway, I came
across an archiveteam page for gopher. I think they are related
efforts (textfiles.com and archiveteam/archive.org). Anyway,

Found this:


For posterity, here are the gopher links:o


Still feeling out this gopherspace thing. I want to use it
like the world wide web, but it seems like gopher has a much
shorter memory than "the Internet" (as in it *does* forget).
Of course this is part of the charm. Nice to know in some places
data can expire, like life.

Found having an alias to the sdf gopher portal is nicer than using
`mkgopher`. That thing seems a little awkward.

The alias is,
 alias lsdf='lynx gopher://sdf.org:70/1'

cheers :E