Hisashiburi desu ne...

I've been busy with loads of stuff, as usual; reading, proofreading
course, and lately buggering around with an old Quake mod of mine
from 14 odd years ago. My mate's 11 year old son is now playing it,
which is strangely gratifying.

In another demonstration of my engineering prowess I've just spent
my dinner hour taking the tank off of my motorbike in order to
change the air filter.  Which it turns out could have been done
without removing the tank.  I've only had the bike 8 years.

In other news, the enthusiasm over Jeremy Corbyn for the new
Labour party leader is really building up, as is the indignation.
I've paid my 3 quid, a left wing (however mildly) Labour party
would be refreshing..