Zaurus Mission

* 2011/8 improvements

** SDHC driver

A driver for Zaurus to support higher-capacity SD memory cards has
been available for a couple of years, but I've put off hassling with
installing it. However, since 1GB or smaller SD cards are very
difficult to find now, it's time to bite the bullet. Having access to
higher-capacity memory cards may open some new uses for the Zaurus,
and will certainly extend its useful life by years.


(Quick WWW search produces several 1GB SD memory cards at around
\300. Are these compatible with Zaurus?)

** Subversion

Programing on tirrender makes me want a version control system so
that I can recver earlier versions without adding numbers to file
names by hand. Propagating deletions through Cavenet has been a
long-standing problem. Maybe it's time to replace rsync with

* Cross-compiler

<2008-12-04 Thu> Tried setting up GCC ARM cross-compiler on, but found I quickly ran out of file space
quota. I guess the only way to do it is with a dedicated Linux box.

* 860 #2 (Slee) migration

<2008-12-04 Thu> Set-up basically same S/W as #1 (Liza) and duplicate
SD card. Should be able to use either card in either unit.

** TODO Inventory Liza installed S/W, identify inst. target
** TODO Plan for syncing SD cards
  Cavenet? but will have to sync programs in addition to data.