Everything Gets Backed-Up

DATE: 2014-02-01

I hereby declare February A.D. 2014 to be Everything Gets Backed-Up
(EGBU) Month and the start of the EGBU Project.

For my entire career as a programmer on every project I have always
told myself, "Get it up and running and then worry about details like
back-ups," and then never done a back-up. That changes now.

Starting this month and continuing for the duration of my programming
career I will implement a back-up procedure for all of my electronic
data on all of the hosts and systems I use.

This means I will be concentrating on TWOG a bit less than I have been,
but it won't go silent. I will post here EGBU notes related to my
TWENEX.ORG TWENEX.ORG data as well as my accounts on Living Computer Museum's DEC-10
and TOAD-1.

I will also eventually write my posts on FORTRAN and TECO since my short
attention span will prevent me from 100% concentration on EGBU.

[edited with|TECO]