
DATE: 2013-12-01

I'm still toying with picking up a Lisp dialect for programming on TWENEX.

InterLisp (@LISP) appears to have been one of the grand old Lisps from the
days before Common Lisp developed at BBN and favored at Stanford. It's got an
interesting interactive development environment with Do-What-I-Mean typo
correction and parentheses balancing tool.

MacLisp (@MACLISP) is the grand old Lisp from MIT and the biggest influence on
Common Lisp. Probably best dialect for applying what I learn on Twenex to
Common Lisp programming on other platforms.

Muddle (@MDL105) is interesting because it's the language in which the first
version of Zork was programmed. The documents say it's an "improved version of
Lisp" which sounds great, but the initial impression it gives is like Scheme
but with angle brackets instead of parentheses. It also seems to have
implemented several functions that would eventually become part of object
oriented programming. This might be particularly fun to learn.