====== Watch this space ... ======

Having enjoyed the diversion of competing in the [[http://retrochallenge.org|RetroChallenge Winter Warm-up 2010]] (see gopher://retro-net.org/1/papa ((If your wimpy browser doesn't support the awesome gopher protocol, you can still view my RCWW2010 gopher hole via proxy, courtesy [[http://www.floodgap.com/|Floodgap Systems]]: http://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw?gopher://retro-net.org/1/papa)) for details on my entry) and rebuilt my Zaurus to a respectable state (ext2 file system (VFAT doesn't cut it), working compiler, successfully built ed and TECO editors!), I need to turn my attention back to my permanent Web home here at SDF.

I was toying with the idea of switching this blog to WordPress. I've been running a WP blog for my [[http://papa.motd.org/bika/|wife's community group]] (Japanese only) and have been impressed with how easy it is to set up and run. However, in the course of typing this post I have been reminded of DokuWiki's neat features (wiki formatting, links, footnotes, etc.) that I would likely miss in regular blogging for my own purposes.

In any case, I am more interested in getting the underlying web content that I want to make available separately from this blog into presentable shape. From that perspective, the blog engine is not a major issue, so for the time being, "if it's not broken, don't fix it."

So do stay tuned (assuming anyone is watching now) for an overhaul and great improvment of the content I share here and on connected sites.