====== engine ======

Development on DokuWiki has been stalled due to work and church activities.

DokuWiki is featureful and looks good, but I feel it's a bit complicated for what I'm trying to do. Keeping text templates for navigation pages consistent and coordinating namespace and tags promises to be a headache. Forces '.txt' file extensions.

===== A simpler approach? =====

 - Contents files served via gopher and http w/ default indexing (FTP-style) (or via 3.?).
 - Blog publishes links (with comment?) to new and changed files in 1. (Use nanoblogger and automate posts?)
 - Contents maintenance via shell and simple private (only me) CMS (RazorCMS? NanoCMS? ... or use subset of DokuWiki functions?)

What I have been aiming for is a single file space with at least one level of subdirectories that is accessible from:

 * shell (create, modify, delete)
 * gopher/http (view)
 * blog (view)
 * CMS/wiki (create, modify, delete)

===== Engine alternatives =====

 * [[http://www.i-brane.com/2009/05/flat-file-cms/|Lightweight CMS engines]]
 * [[http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20090118153817812/WebCMS.html|Web Content Management Systems]]
 * [[http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20090125151610532/Wiki.html|Wiki Engines]]
 * [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/niwiki/|Wiki2]] (Japanese project, a bit obscure?)
 * [[http://phpfm.sourceforge.net/|PHP File Manager]]
 * [[http://www.cmsmadesimple.org/|CMS Made Simple]]
 * [[http://extplorer.sourceforge.net/|eXtplorer]]
 * [[http://ckfinder.com/|CKFinder]] (commercial)

From [[Wiki>WikiChoicetree|WikiChoicetree]]:

Data stored in flat/text file, no database necessary **AND** Hierarchical Pages

 * TeleparkWiki
 * DokuWiki
 * TwikiClone
 * MoinMoin

What I want is the engines file storage in the host file system with access to directory hierarchy, arbitrary file names, etc. File storage subtree should not be exclusive to engine.

===== Even simpler approach =====

Having looked at many of these blog/CMS/wiki engines, I can't find any that don't entangle themselves too much with the served contents. Maybe yet another new approach is called for.

 - All contents files in subdirectories of nexus (call it 'cave').
 - nexus and it's file subtree may be mirrored to webspace, gopherspace, remote systems, mobile ...
 - use default navigation, or hand-coded index pages where desired.
 - updates done on SDF shell or via FTP (web interface too much of a temptation at work)
 - lightweight blog engine on papa.motd.org where I post notices and links to new and updated content
   * No content originates in blog. Only post links to content under nexus with a brief comment.
   * Minimal blog functionality: blog, RSS syndication, comments, archive
   * Find a blog engine that provides those functions with minimal customization.
 - I commit to daily content update and blog post
 - Parallel configuration for family news and pictures

==== Simple blog/CMS engines ====

 * [[http://www.pivotlog.net/|Pivot]]. Has all my required functions and looks decent out-of-the-box ([[http://papa.freeshell.org/pivot]]). Very likely will go with either this or [[http://www.pivotx.net|PivotX]], a successor version currently in beta test that supports multiple blogs.
 * [[http://nanoblogger.sourceforge.net/|NanoBlogger]] (shell-based!) + [[http://nhw.pl/blg/articles/nbcom/|NanoBlogger Comments]]. Core functions look good, and shell-based is neat, but comment add-on looks immature (half-assed admittedly weak image-based CAPTCHA) and difficult to install (needs DB?).
 * ([[http://www.razorcms.co.uk/|RazorCMS]] looks great, but [[http://www.razorcms.co.uk/support/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=620|comments blade]] still in development)
 * [[http://www.flatpress.org/home/|FlatPress]]. Already installed on MOTD. Comments, RSS, ... require plugins?
 * [[http://wordpress.org/|WordPress]]. Since I'm not managing main content with this engine, less reason to insist on a lightweight one. Since I've got the MOTD account, maybe this is a chance to learn about DB-base WordPress. One negative is that if I'm maintaining multiple blogs (Papa's Cave on MOTD, family blog, ...) it might be easier to have one engine for all of them, or even a multi-blog engine like PivotX.
 * More candidates: [[http://www.linuxbeacon.com/doku.php/articles:flatfile|Top 7 flat-file web publishing systems]]. [[http://www.freeguppy.org/?lng=en|GuppY]] looks interesting as a family portal (built-in photo gallery).

Category: [[site:]]