Borderkeep City ASCII Map

         to Castle Reinhold
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   I--o--o--o--o-[]--o--o--o--o--o--@ to Darkhaven
         |              |  A
         oP             o
         |           Q  |
      o--o--o        o  o
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           So        o
            |        B

A: Arien's Adventuring Supplies
B: Borderkeep Guard Barracks
G: Pardo's Discount Gems and Jewels
I: On a pier
K: Knightly Armors
L: Terra's Leatherworks
M: Alzangar's Mystical Regents and Supplies
P: Dalo and Maya's Pawn Shop
Q: Insinde Quintin's Tavern
S: Sorg's Metalworks (armor)
W: The Black Blade-Weapons and More shop
X: Shadow's Supplies