(Posted 2011-09-27 11:11:16 by ArchPaladin)

An interesting story [
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/27/health/27cancer.html ] [nytimes.com] ran
in the New York Times today - apparently clinics in Thailand and other
poorer countries are using vinegar & carbon dioxide freezing to identify
and remove pre-cancerous cervical tumors.  Apparently there is some means
by which vinegar reacts with cancerous cells to stain them a different
color so they can be identified and removed without the need for a Pap
smear.  Their cervical cancer rate has dropped significantly since using
quicker and lower cost methods for diagnosis and treatment.

This is excellent innovation.  Despite being developed here, I don't know
if something like this would take hold in the US (with our techno-fetishism
as it is), but it really should.  I wonder how much money we would save.


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