
Title   : YRTHAK
Artist  : The End of Science
Genre   : Post-Rock, Drone
Released: 2010

The songwriting and juxtaposition of moods on The End of Science's "YRTHAK"
are spectacular. The lumbering guitar riffs and drumming can sometimes take
on the feeling of doom metal on tracks like "Lord of the Northern
Ghostland", which appears directly after the emotional and awe-inspiring
piano rock piece "Q is Not a Verb". The band even experiments with elements
of post-rock-flavored drone at the end of the 17-minute closer, "The Sun
Rains When You're Not Looking". The album can sound like a rock apocalypse
from another reality at points, it really is an underrated post-rock opus.

Favorite Tracks: Q is Not a Verb, Lord of the Northern Ghostland, God Bless
the Surrogate