Title   : Hamlets
Artist  : the volume settings folder
Genre   : Ambient, Electronic, Field Recording
Released: 2017

the volume settings folder has been making music in Northern Italy for many
years, weaving together cozy found sound samples and fluid electronic
elements that continually amaze me. After discovering his music through the
chilly sister album to this release, "Always the Same, Never Alike", I fell
in love with "Hamlets" for how it took many of the same samples and morphed
them into this warm, aerial view of the Northern Italian landscape. The
production on this album is deceptively lofi, with crackling and popping
samples of machinery and moving parts dancing in between subtle walls of
ambient tones. This album is dripping with an immense comfortable feeling
without absolutely drowning you in it. Tracks like "White Maize" give the
sensation of flying over fields and rivers, marshes and houses, while
tracks like "Landlubber" and "Grove of Reeds" bring you right down into the
thick of the landscape itself. "Hamlets" has quickly become one of my
favorite ambient releases in recent years, and I highly suggest you give it
a listen.

Favorite Tracks: White Maize, The Tics and the Tocs, Grove of Reeds