Title   : Adrift
Artist  : Plains Apparition
Genre   : Ambient, Electronic, Vaporwave
Released: 2018

Plains Apparition debuted on the Downpour Spirit label alongside other
electronic ambient/vaporwave artists like Light Blending In and code abi
with the release "Adrift". A short collection of ambient "sketches", each
one only around one to three minutes, what "Adrift" lacks in runtime, it
makes up for in mood and texture. The chilling synths are smooth, with a
strange quality of warmth after the fact, like an ambient aftertaste. It's
a supremely relaxing little release, and a masterclass in electronic
ambient purism. Give this album a shot if you want to relax to some short
and soothing ambient passages.

Favorite Tracks: Can't Reconcile, Country Hourglass, Wished For