 DATE : 2021.01.06
 TIME : 17:27
AUTHOR : [email protected]

I use pywal with the variety wallpaper changer to automatically
change the color scheme of urxvt. I have all this happening in the
background and set to a one hour interval. I also have a hot key
assigned in my i3 config file so that i can make all this happen
whenever I like as well.  This all really cool, and I will probably
submit a post one day explaining all that in case anyone is
interested, but having a terminal color scheme that changes based
on the colors in your wallpaper on an hourly basis can wreak havoc
sometimes; stuff like syntax highlighting in vim, and tmux status
bars can sometimes become hard to read when the colors switch to a
less than ideal scheme.

While I have not taken the time to fix the issue with vim, as I
don't always use syntax highlighting, I have fixed the issue with
tmux. As an aside, I was a GNU screen user for many years, but
switched to tmux 4 or 5 years ago. Anyway, back to tmux, the issue
I was having was that the status bar in tmux would change to a
color scheme that would sometimes make the window names difficult
to read.

The solution I stumbled upon was a one line addition to my
tmux.conf file:

setw -g window-status-current-style bg=black,fg=white,bright

This fixed the issue completely, and additionally (with the fg set
to white, bright) makes the current window the most easily read.

While this is most definitely a self\-inflicted problem, as I don't
really need to have the color scheme based on the current
wallpaper, and have it change hourly, I do like the variety, and I
am glad I have found a workaround.

