layout: post
title: Vacation Review
categories: personal
published: false
So what did I accomplish?  I've marked them in italics.

* _Print two copies of the passport application form_
* _Print two copies of the birth certificate request_
* Pay birth certificate delivery fee at nearest BDO or UnionBank branch
* Play with [webby][1] and [jekyll][2] enough to make an informed choice
 between them
* Apply [progressive enhancement][3] to the sites I maintain
* _Teach my sister how to manage her SDF account_

[1]: http://webby.rubyforge.org/
[2]: http://www.jekyllrb.com/
[3]: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/understandingprogressiveenhancement/

Why didn't the rest happen?

* I stumbled upon the [Un-Official SquareSoft MUD][4] and spent way too
 much time playing there.
* I discovered [Blueprint][5] in webby's default site skeleton, which quickly
 led into a surfing session about CSS frameworks: [BlueTrip][6],
 [Tripoli][7], and a few other interesting projects I'd like to play with
* I started playing with the new [plugin system][8] in mainline jekyll, but
 procrastinated when I realized how much I needed to figure out from reading
* The BDO branch at SM was offline and not accepting payments when I went

[4]: http://uossmud.sandwich.net/
[5]: http://www.blueprintcss.org/
[6]: http://www.blueprint.org/
[7]: http://devkick.com/lab/tripoli/
[8]: http://wiki.github.com/mojombo/jekyll/plugins

Everything but the last reason was well within my control, and even then I
suppose I could have looked for a nearby UnionBank branch too.

Next time I must fail less.