layout: post
title: Vacation Plans
categories: personal
published: false
It's the third day of my week-long vacation triggered suddenly by the specter
of expiring leaves.  I've caught up with a TV show and finished some reading,
so now it's time to dust off some of my old coding projects and get back to the
business of learning.

What do I hope to accomplish until Wednesday?

* Print two copies of the passport application form
* Print two copies of the birth certificate request
* Pay birth certificate delivery fee at nearest BDO or UnionBank branch
* Play with [webby][1] and [jekyll][2] enough to make an informed choice
 between them
* Apply [progressive enhancement][3] to the sites I maintain
* Teach my sister how to manage her SDF account

Let's review on July 1.

[1]: http://webby.rubyforge.org/
[2]: http://www.jekyllrb.com/
[3]: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/understandingprogressiveenhancement/