some opinions i have regarding computers. these all used to be longer
posts but this is all they really said. uwu

--------- plaintext

the 80 column rule is part of gopher's charm, but in the modern age
with displays of many sizes, gemini's standard of "longlines" makes
more technical sense.

i use 'visual-fill-column' in emacs for longline softwraps.

i don't format my text files much.
utf-8 is backwards compatible with ascii

Outdated standards

i can get by watching videos in 720p or lower.
my 900 MHz 1-core laptop runs emacs just fine.
a raspberry pi cat host gopher and pleroma AND xmpp :3
there's a lot you can do with lowpower stuff!

power efficiency

despite loving old hardware, some of it is very watt-hungry...
a 19" CRT TV runs at ~80W. a 19" LED TV runs at 20.
an LED light runs at ~10W and last longer. incandescents: 60W.

i prefer books over pdfs, and i set my game graphics lower.

im poor :3

------- wayland

wayland is cleaner than x11, and it has secure screen locking. it
doesn't work on very old gpus like my laptop.

i used sway for a bit

other shells

i just use bash but fish is very cute, and so is zsh. i like ksh
because it's very small. i really want to try fish again sometime.

text editors

i use emacs a ton but i enjoy vim and helix and nano :D

operating systems

making a CMD alias is strangely hard on windows.
i can use windows but only if i have emacs on it.
i just enjoy linux.