Sat Nov  2 00:33:02 UTC 2019

Wow first day back to work, and what a trip it was. The culture
shift from the conference really sunk in, and I wasn't aware of
it. I have been such a bad teammate and team member the last few
months.  now that I'm in the space I realize it, but also am seeing
and noticing how bad my teammates are too. we've been in this kind
of dysfunctional relationship. Now that I have some tools to solve
the problems I'm excited to try them out.

Last night there was no comedy and I think that was probably for
the better.  I was way sleepy and would have had lots of trouble
at work.

I came over to epoch and was bundled up for the cold motorcycle
ride tonight.  The problem was it was too warm at the time.  I went
ahead and sat outside but now I'm cold.

I think I'm going to go eat some adulterated chocolate and check
out a comedy show now.

I think doing regular phlog updates is good for my mental health
so if you are reading my posts, expect at least one a day for a
while! :-)

On a serious note, thanks for reading. Feel free to drop me a note
I'm [email protected] if you want to email and craniumslows on the sdf
minecraft server.

party on!