Tue Oct 29 15:32:30 UTC 2019

What a wild past 24 hours. The conference started off a bit reserved,
but as time has gone on I have warmed up.

Here's the five minute version:

The conference Keynote from Alice Goldfuss was really great. she
inspired me to be open and honest about what containers are and
aren't good for and I think I can explain it to my bosses in a way
that makes sense and doesn't come off as too pedantic.

The keynote discussion on security was not something that I had
expected to enjoy, but it was really nice. The idea that info-sec
is an adversary instead of a team mate is something tha I know I've
felt. the talk pushed the envelope towards being comrades and not
opponents.   I was really pleased to hear this talk, and hope that
I can share it with our security team at work. Big example is
isolating security and making them seem like they're some kind of
special people. Roadies versus rock-stars kind of mentality.

I really only went to two talks yesterday.  The Fuzzy Lines and
the Assertive communication one.  I got so much out of them it is
a real benefit.

Outside of the conference I wrote a postcard to my mom, myself, my
friend Sean, and my friend Kevin.  I had written a letter to my
mom on Saturday but didn't get it in the mail and so brought it
with me all the way to Portland! After the conference I went to an
Irish pub and had a Deschutes fresh squeezed that was really
delicious I suspect it is freshness impacting quality.  The shepherd's
pie was pretty blah. barely warmed up.   Ultimately I think that
it was nice to go out and be among people instead of at the hotel
working on office work.

I do need to do some office work tonight though! It's going to be
a weird night I suspect.

That's kind of the short version. I'm posting throughout the day
on mastodon as @[email protected] and also on twitter as
@craniumslows using the hash-tag #LISA19.

I've got to go it's 8:40 and the first talk is at 900